Friday, July 21, 2006

How to Piss Off the Locals 102...

I happened across this old photo and remembered what was actually written on this sign. (CLICK ON EITHER TO ENLARGE) The sign says something a little different than the English portion. Roughly, "Stay back 50 meters! We will shoot you!" Most units don't use this sign anymore. It was deemed too offensive and threatening.

Unfortunately, the seed was already planted and 2 strips of duct tape can't undo these types of fears. Iraqis will continue to think we are indescriminate killers no matter what we do. No matter what bad happens, we are blamed as well. No matter how we try we are swimming against a torrent of bad will. I have been stared at so many times with naked hate as we moved through Baghdad. An NCO once told me, "I feel like I am in the Reggae band that showed up at a KKK rally."


Blogger Dave said...

Thank you for this blog, for your video records of the reality Mr. and Mrs. America rarely have a chance to see, and for however many people in Iraq and Afghanistan you've provided aid for, medical or otherwise.

You did good, Doc.

1:43 AM  
Blogger Kasey Marcum said...

I saw some of your videos through Google Video. I clicked on your link and started reading your blog. I'm about half way through and I just wanted to stop and say thank you...

Thank you for taking your time to make this blog. I'm a college student and feel very in the dark about what is going on in Iraq and other parts of the world the U.S. occupies - although I do follow the news (paper, internet, occasionally TV). Through your videos and blog I feel like I've seen a part of Iraq and a part of war that I've never seen/known about before.

Most importantly, thank you for serving our country. I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate and respect you risking your life and showing what true bravery is. Although some people don't realize it, we couldn't live without people like you.

I'll continue reading and will send your link to everyone I know. Please keep posting!

Thanks again and stay safe!

1:03 PM  

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